How, when and what next, show me your crystal bollocks people, is reporting on Spectator proceedings. Stuart Campbell. Whether this state of affairs continues well well have to wait & see.. The source of her anger was not solely the fact that two newspapers had carried stories with fresh allegations about her dealings with Alex Salmond. At this point, SNP headquarters code for Murrell and businessman Mark Shaw was effectively running the show, Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned springs to mind for some reason. I fear that the fiasco we see now is not just a domestic matter and strings are being pulled from Virginia( home of the security apparatus in US.) Thats what its there for. But it is far more rare for their current boss to express that type of anger in front of them. You need to sign up to a way to pay for your licence now, or you will lose the right to watch or record live TV on any channel or service, and download or watch BBC programmes on iPlayer at **** 1BD after 28 February 2021. As I understand it, Salmonds lawyers had published his staement after carefully redacting in order to protect the complainers and, since he hasnt been arrested, they seem to have achieved that to everyones satisfaction. He said: There is a rift in the party and that is happening because we have developed the cult of two personalities over the years. Sounds like a campaigning video, with a very firm attack on the nonsense Growth Commission. In addition, Miss Sturgeon is also at risk of losing the support of those who signed up to the SNP with the sole objective of demanding a second independence referendum a group which includes some MPs and MSPs and is becoming increasingly restless. Not sure if someone here can remember. What a surprise. That is, I think, just the way it is. Posted on March 29, 2020 by Rev. It is a Police matter. Saw an article with a picture of Dempsie with actor Brian Cox OBE. At a media briefing on Tuesday, her top special adviser, Stuart Nicolson, who is known for his aggressive and combative spats with journalists, appeared bruised and tired, particularly since questions were now focusing on his friend, Miss Lloyd. Those who openly support Sturgeon are as bad as those who realise the gravity of the situation, yet say and do nothing. After all thedramatic revelations at FMQs yesterday, something else really quite weird happened after everyone had stopped watching. They are not used to in-fighting and think that it should not happen when all members of the party share the ultimate goal of independence. Before, we had people who were part of a team with one leader. often said before the person at the meeting who Kevin Pringle (SNP ex spin Doctor)is in the back row surely ? teachers charged with misconduct; kadiant learning login; how to calculate msf; black neighborhoods in pensacola fl; gary foley wife; alan davies qi salary Vladimir Putin has sold his Ukrainian war to the Russian people by trying to find the sweet spot between existential threat and reassuring distance: the Russian president portrays the conflict as a struggle to preserve the nation from a hostile West and its Ukrainian proxy, but one fought safely outside its borders. I know tons of things are happening, so no one needs more distraction, but this is good: What really hurt her was that the stories appeared to have been briefed directly from her mentors team. Sadly, theres nothing this shower of charlatans, conspirators, troughers and incompetents do which surprises me any more. The idea of a free thinking head of an independent Scotland informed by the likes of Craig Murray ,with its important strategic position must be pure distilled anathema to the powers in the US that control foreign policy in the UK and much of Europe. Just had a Stuart Nicolson memory., SPADS expenses etc 2020 One thing I still dont understand is why our Parliament appears to be reliant on an English based political magazine to obtain an amendment to the original court order? BBC scotland will note her arrivals at Glasgow/Edinburgh airports She will move in elevated circles, meet celebs and political notables and sign her name to reports written by her underlings on health or environmental or food issues. About five years ago, when the licence rep visited, he was happy enough to be told I dont watch TV and use the screen solely for DVDs or streaming. SPADs who are ex-BBC, ex-daily Mail? 11 February, 2021 at 10:13 am . Jennifer Dempsie has entered the contest to succeed Salmond as the SNP candidate in Aberdeenshire East, it emerged yesterday. Now, theres lots of personalities. Be sure to use the phrase, suspect the money raised for a specific purpose has been used elsewhere and the common law crime of Theft by Embezzlement has been committed. I was genuinely expecting to zoom in on that photo and see Sturgeons special adviser hanging around with Osborne and Murphy! Jennifer Dempsie was planning to stand for the SNP at next year's Holyrood elections but yesterday announced that she will not be standing. find off-putting , more focus on health and education (both subject to major SNP pushes in 2007) and so on. But given the back-stabbing and secret briefings going on, they privately admit there can be no doubt it now exists. Politics is the clash of ideas and policies not people. Courage, of the leaders and people at the time of declaring independence; Ah so thats where Cummings went when he apparently left Downing St, A neat change and a very convincing disguise, The more you see the worse it gets FFS ex BBC employee at the centre of the SNP government and a Daily Record bod in there as well fk sake This looks like the Tory party in all but name, Stu a plea please please dont reveal anything else my bloody blood pressure wont take it, ALANM says: They see multiple threats facing Miss Sturgeon. Yep, Alison, that makes sense, he knows all the stuff they got up to. As the fallout from the Sturgeon-Salmond split grows ever more toxic, the battle lines over the future of the SNP are being drawn by Michael Blackley, Civil war: The 30-year friendship between First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and her former mentor Alex Salmond, inset, seems over. Alan Mackintosh says: I also see Liz Lloyd and a bunch of blokes. Ive got to assume The Spectator knows what its doing, what its doing will cost quite a lot of money, and that it will succeed. I find myself replaying over and over the jingle from ITVs The Masked Singer: Jennifer Dempsie as was in 2014 now married to Robertson the odious and Liz Lloyd. People have grown their own independence. @Kat, yes spotted that higher up the comments, its still as interesting as its 2014. A unlikely scenario Note businessman Mark Shaw was a very invisible Kenny @11:29 Endorsement may have been refused because of this ,, SPADS 2018 H previously told the court she had been wearing a skirt and that Salmond had been drunk that night, but did not mention there was a fourth person at the dinner apart from Salmond and the celebrity. They are all equally dishonourable. Mind you i might just go and buy myself a Tartan walking stick,a wheelchair,a couple of new dresses from PRIMARK and a pot of face paint and go top of the list in the Lothians!! She could be found guilty of wrongdoing over the details she provided about her secret meetings with Mr Salmond over the Scottish Governments investigation. This site will be watched, make no mistake about that. I think it is a leaving photo. list of barangay captain in pasay city Ne Yapyoruz?. On 27 February, project manager Jennifer Dempsie - who had previously worked as an adviser for former first minister Alex Salmond - first contacted the office of Culture Secretary Fiona. Makes you wonder why they got her involved in the first place if she was never that capable? We see Scot Gov now no better than Westminster, sadly. Is Alex Salmond in reality thick as mince but just as good at fooling all of us, as the people now turning against him were as good at fooling him? list of barangay captain in pasay city Neden Best Buddies?. He now works for Andrew Wilsons (SNP Growth Comission) company that is full of rich shady ex banker types , these are the people who are really pulling the strings of the SNP , , jennifer dempsie alex salmond. Id imagine the police would/should be interested. Ha Ha thats how fkn stupid this whole set up is you would need a bloody good memory to figure out the moves in this Machiavellian tragedy or balls up whatever suits the description., Advocate depute.Says he has no objection to the proposed change to the order. Salmond's majority in the seat at the 2011 Holyrood election was a . 3. They will. Many now openly concede that the murky affair has left Miss Sturgeons job on the line and are talking about who her successor might be. Now Mark is taking action against Scotlands prosecuting authority, the Crown Office by bringing a malicious prosecution case against You have to hand it to nicola she seems to be able to control a unionist media. It is understood the Spectator will argue there is a strong public interest in disclosure under article 10 of the European convention on human rights, given the significance of Salmonds allegations about Sturgeons government and party, @mac They seem to be saying theres nothing in the court order to stop publishing by the committee or anyone else that its primary purpose is to protect complainers. How did it ever come to this?. SOME in the party even admit that the explosive row between the two heavyweights of the Nationalist movement is threatening to tear their party apart. One senior Nationalist said: Derek Mackay is the obvious heir apparent in terms of his experience, the different strands of government hes worked in, hes moved up through the ranks. One of these alphabet ladies because they are all Women, anyway she has a argument with another one of the alphabet women she looses the nut and sticks a pick axe in her bonce this is witnessed by another one of the alphabet women , In one sense this is admirable: as the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey reported last year women are more sceptical of government than men and, hence, more sensible. So does that suggest that if Lloyd does appear she wouldnt lie and is uncomfortable with what Sturgeon has done? More and more as these inquiries (sic) have gone on, along with repeated meddling deceitful statements (eg. The Legal Attempt to End the Fabiani Farce,, Eh bored and tired of Netflix Amazon Prime etc Vapid tool of the junta, John Swinney, has gone quiet. Eileen, depends if it is only for A and H who are purportedly the plotters as well as accusers. I see Joanna Cherry has been promoted to Deputy Chairman of UK Parliament Human Rights Committee. Aberdeen Journals Ltd 2023. The only witness who vaguely suggested she might have been there was a celebrity who the defence wasn't allowed to cross-examine and who'd given a video-recorded description of a woman who was nothing like her - different hair colour, different clothing and forgetting the detail that she had her arm in a sling, which one might imagine would have Did he think that he could maybe get him onside? alex wagner husband; why did david ramsey leave blue bloods; gorillas rider bonus scheme. RT @gerry_mcsherry: Aberdeenshire East seat up for grabs. Interesting tweet from Tompkins MSP (Con) today,, BREAKING The great villain of Covid is China. She has publicly defended a male-born trans woman who runs a Scottish rape crisis centre. Even Alex didnt stoop that low. Anyone manage to get in? Date of pic so important I think they married in 2011 and divorced in 2014? Yes you are correct re the whos who,others I know Add Sturgeons admiration for Kissinger, Clinton and Lagarde and her very iffy foreign policy stance and you see a bigger picture. This FOI of Nicolsons diary 17/18 could be of interest, havent read it. Jeezo, if there was ONE thing I wish Stuart Campbell would add onto the HTML coding for this website, it would be a BLOCK button. So Tories, Labour and SNP have/had ex Daily Mail advisors,,perception-is-everything-how-politicians-public-servants-and-corporate-bosses-learn-the-art-of-spin_8551.htm. Whats a heptagon cross, sounds interesting. Whats a heptagon cross, sounds interesting. Will the SNPs chaotic leadership race ease Starmers path to Downing Street? Political editor of the Scottish Daily Mail, a paper that just loves the thought of an independent Scotland, and now hes Sturgeons Special Advisor. What hasnt happened is the Scottish goverment, snp members and the lord advocate now need to go on trial, Joanna is making the best of a bad job whilst at the same time giving the bloated one the finger. And yet now the common phrase being pummelled by Scot Gov and its tame media, is, let down by the courts/legal system etc. deputy director of European affairs for (say)the Earth Institute or Brookings or a health related pandemic thinktank/forecasting unit. Once more, were in the uncomfortable position of agreeing with Jackie Baillie.. Ok so the evidence can be published and as long as no one outs themself we can proceed on the basis no one is identified? Is Alex Salmond in reality thick as mince but just as good at fooling all of us, as the people now turning against him were as good at fooling him? Gordon Wilson stepped in after it emerged Jennifer. So when Angus Robertson had the affair 2014/2015 with another woman. She believed that referring herself to the independent advisers on the ministerial code of conduct for an investigation last Sunday would buy her some time and end the daily onslaught of negative media coverage. One minister admitted to this being a low point for the party and said that an early general election or an early Holyrood vote called as a result of failing to pass the Budget would cause serious problems. just look at the spooks adjacent to him at that end of the picture. A certain senior official had thousands of pounds of taxpayers' money spent on lawyers getting her out of it by trying to pre-determine what questions she could be asked, while Alex Salmond has been "invited" to appear, but literally threatened with imprisonment if he turns up and tells the truth. Totally lost now, like what is even the formal point of it? What are they seeking to acheive? People need to be VERY careful what they say at this point in time unless money to pay QCs hourly rates is of no object to them. The leadership have total control of the party and thats the state weve been in for years. Dont be daft. Yes Nurse I know I am due my medication I wont be long I am just licking this window to make sure is Covid safe I will be with you and the Doctor soon . Scottish politics Former Alex Salmond adviser withdraws from Holyrood running. Keep on pointing them out please and be cool with allies from anywhere. I imagine the choice of the judge(s) will be crucial. Is it about correcting the process? them. That kind of international policy seems the kind of issue which seems much more likely to create a real split than Is a man in a dress literally a woman? But not a debate those behind it would want the party members or public having. Roll on Holyrood 2011. A picture tells a thousand tales. Who is the red haired female? wins its legal challenge over Salmond trial court orders: Lady Dorrian to vary an order which now allows Salmond and Geoff Aberdein evidence to be published. Who are ya.. Who are ya.. Whos that behind the mask?. On the list, 35% of men voted for the SNP, but only 27% of women. In his pre-recorded police interview, the celebrity said H, a former Scottish government official, had been at the dinner that night and was known to him as someone involved in the independence campaign. IMO, that photo is a composite image which doesnt bear visual scrutiny. I believe they both accompanied AS at the meeting at NS house on 2nd April 2018. But such is the state of the SNP in terms of membership loyalty and the cult of personality that I think I would be in a minority on that., He added: We are heading for trouble and the party membership dont realise it they are in a state of denial. Geoff Aberdein next to Alex yes? A former aide to Alex Salmond has launched a bid to succeed her old boss in his north-east seat at Holyrood, it can be revealed. The sooner theyre booted out of Holyrood, the better. she made only brief reference to the fact there is an ongoing police investigation into complaints about Mr Salmond and that she had referred herself for investigation but there was no substantive discussion of the matter. But its gone ! Cant see Lady Dorian agreeing to that. Call Us: 1.800.883.9662. jennifer dempsie alex salmond. Will Mr Aberdein be accusing Alex of sexual harassment. 2007 2014. she will be a source of great pride for wee Scotland. Suddenly, from being a friendly place full of laid back people, some eccentrics and oddballs and having an almost family feel to it, it seemed to be rammed full of young people in sharp suits and management consultancy types. Lady Dorian notes difference in English and Scottish law in this matter, as England has a statutory ban on naming alleged victims of sex crimes, Its amazing how quickly MPs/MSPs are cast off for any negative press or a hint at a challenge. Her conclusions and recommendations are hardly surprising: more women in high-profile positions, a softening of language and the political rhetoric that many women (and men!) Stephen Noon to right of Nicolson, now a Jesuit Priest, he was livid at how 2014 campaign was run. Post-colonial literature is relatively clear about the decolonisation process: the dominant National Party pampered bourgeoisie elite reaches its own accommodation with colonialism, which is not in rhythm with the wider independence movement, National Party and colonial authorities attack and smear independence radicals who seek a more rapid move to independence, further new National Parties are created (there are now 6 pro-indy parties in Scotland), newer pro-indy parties have more focused strategies on seeking an early resolution and move to independence, the colonial power increases its level of opposition and dirty tricks. Police Scotland will be very keen to slippy shoulder the entire thing onto the Electorial Commission. I guess youd need to know what the event was to know the answer. Whispers of vendettas. The 33-year-old was once known as 'Mrs Message' in recognition of her PR acumen during the referendum campaign. The SNP is beyond redemption and this countrys institutions have resoundingly failed the people they exist to serve, while our leaders and their close associates get fat off the public purse whilst using spurious legal arguments, threats of imprisonment, outright lies and general obfuscation to hide their true activities from the public gaze. Miss Sturgeon looked tired and bad-tempered when she attempted to get away from the issue and focus on Brexit on Wednesday but still faced questions about Mr Salmond during a Sky News interview, during which she confirmed that their 30-year friendship is now in doubt. Never judge a book by its cover shes even more odious than Robertson, well suited. Whereas the lengths the SNP/SG will go to protect SPADs and pals know no bounds or limit of funds? My very limited experience of dealing with civil servants doesnt fill me with confidence in their abilities to think on their feet. 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